Sunday, December 30, 2012

Storage Ideas for Your Jewelry Collection

Is your jewelry chest overflowing? Do you have so many necklaces and bracelets that you don't know what to do with them? If you have a ton of jewelry and are looking for ways to store it all then this article is just for you. Accessories like jewelry can make or break any outfit so it is essential to have a good assortment of versatile jewelry. When your collection tends to get out of hand though storing it all can be a bit tricky. If you use a little creativity and put in some time and effort you can have your jewelry collection organized and ready for you to wear in very little time.

Cork Boards to Store Necklaces, Bracelets and Earrings
One of the easiest ways to organize your jewelry is through the use of simple cork boards. These can be purchased at any office supply or discount store. In order to add a little flair to the boards you may want to cover them in decorative fabric. This can be easily achieved by using a staple gun to staple the fabric to the back of the board. You will want to be careful to attach the fabric tightly so it leaves no slack. Now comes the fun part. You can hook necklaces, bracelets and earrings to the board. For necklaces and bracelets simply screw in small hooks and the pieces will now dangle.For earrings you can just place the hooks through the fabric and they will easily stay in place. These jewelry boards look beautiful hung on a wall in your bedroom. You can even match the fabric to your decor. This is one simple and easy way to organize part of your jewelry collection.

Ice Cube Trays for Rings and Things
ce cube trays are great for making ice but now they have a dual purpose. You can easily store all of your rings in the tray by placing one in each slot. This makes it a snap to find a ring when you are in a hurry. Another use for the trays are storing small earrings, such as studs. You can place them in the slots just like you did the rings and once again it makes retrieving them simple and easy. These trays can then be placed in a pre -existing jewelry box or in a dresser drawer.

Cupcake and Muffin Tins for Your Valuables
If you have a lot of necklaces and bracelets this solution may be for you. You will want to make sure you have some sort of drawer space before you embark on this project. Each one of the circles in the tin can be used to house jewelry. Several necklaces and bracelets can be placed in one tin, while many, many earrings will fit. You will then want to place them in a drawer where you can see into the tins. An old dresser or even a dresser with a drawer cleared out will work perfectly.

Mug Trees for Your Bracelets
If you have a mug tree or you can find one at a second hand shop you can easily use it to store your bracelets. Hanging several of them on each hook can free up a lot of space in your drawers or jewelry box. It also lends a decorative touch to your dresser or vanity. Another great idea to get your jewelry organized and in a visual place where you will see it.

Organization at Last
All of these ideas can be achieved very easily and with little to no work. Jewelry like many other accessories often goes unused when it cannot be found. By using any of these solutions you will be able to see and find your jewelry which in turn will leave you more apt to wear it. Also, be creative and see what you can come up with on your own. Jewelry should be fun, not a hassle. Get organized and get ready to make a statement.



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